
by Stephen Jarrell Williams

I have fallen
in love with you

giving what I am
in the dizzying dip

help me up
to kiss your lips

fun fire
in your arms

lasting far
beyond the rise

some great light
already on the edge

drawing up
our bucket of cool water

uplifting taste after taste.

Seeing Through It

I've been out here too long
under the trees,
my molecules green with mold,

pulling my roots
up spindly white,

I trim my toenails
and brush my teeth,

for tonight I shall return,
knowing what I should
have done,

the wind carrying
whispers of leaves,
the storm washing clean,

telling me that truth
is transparency.

© 2010 Stephen Jarrell Williams.  All rights reserved. 

Stephen Jarrell Williams loves to write, listen to his music, and dance late into the night.  He was born in Fort Belvoir, Virginia.  His parents are native Texans.  He has lived most of his life in California.  His poetry has appeared in Black Lantern Publishing, Hawaii Review, POEM, and others.

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