The Doll

The Doll
(after Hans)

a work
of art, by far
my best yet.  She
has no face because
her smile is a lie and h
er eyes don't really l
ook at you in the
way th
at eye
s are supposed to.  I have often dreame
d o      f her, of sitting her at my       ta
bl     e and telling her I love her b     ef
or      e complaining that the roast      is
n't       cooked well enough and t       hr
ow       ing it on the floor.  Or ho        ld
in            g her because she'            s h
ad               a long day and               th
e n                 eighbors a                 re
t              alking about he              r
again. Say
ing        how
the           y do
n't              und
ers                tan
d h                ow o
ne s                    o l
ove                     ly c
oul                       d b
e                             so
mi                                ne

© 2010 Rachel Lieberman.  All rights reserved.  
Rachel Lieberman's prose has appeared in A cappella Zoo, and her poetry has appeared in The Lyric Magazine and So Good. She studied creative writing at Chester College of New England, and was just recently released into the wild. She's particularly fond of unruly writing in any form.

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